Tag Archives: catechism

Reflection on Article 2505 of the Catechism

Published in the bulletin of Holy Ghost Catholic Church in Knoxville, TN, on 14th Sunday of Ordinary Time.

My dear Parishioners,
Peace! There are ten (10) “In Brief” articles in the Catechism of the Catholic Church addressing the Eighth Commandment of the Decalogue, ‘You shall not bear false witness.’ The following is a reflection on CCC 2505.
“Truth or truthfulness is the virtue, which consists in showing truth in actions and to say the truth in words, by taking care to avoid duplicity, simulation and hypocrisy.”
The Eighth Commandment, ‘You shall not bear false witness’ calls us to both respect the truth and to be truthful. Truth and truthfulness involves not only our words but also our deeds, our actions. Above and beyond the obvious sin against this commandment, lying, the Catechism highlights three further specific sins against the Eighth Commandment which we will treat individually.
Duplicity is a sin against the Eighth Commandment. The Latin word duplicitas, which has the root duplic from which the word “duplex”comes, give some of the etymological background of the term. The Lord Jesus recognized duplicity and trickery in the questions some people would ask Him (cf. Luke 20:23). To be two-faced
Simulation is a sin against the Eighth Commandment. Simulation is sinful in that it is an imitation pretending to be what one is not. It comes from the Latin simulat/simulare/similis meaning “like.” The Code of Canon Law 1983 calls for a “just penalty” for those who simulate a sacraments (cf. canon 1379). Simulation of Baptism would occur if there were and express exclusion of the intention to baptize or to not use water (valid matter). Only human beings can be baptized, so attempting to baptize what is not human is also simulation. Simulation of the Eucharist would require the express exclusion of the intention to consecrate in the case of a priest or someone pretending to be a priest (cf. canon 1378 § 2.1) or the distribution of unconsecrated hosts as if the were consecrated. Simulation of Holy Marriage occurs when the bride or groom or both intentionally place an obstacle in the way of or are aware of any obstacle to a valid celebration of Marriage. This is simulation of both Marriage and of consent (cf. canon 1101). Two men or two women who would attempt to marry would be simulating Marriage, regardless of ridiculous civil legislation or zaney jurisprudence.
Hypocrisy is a sin against the Eighth Commandment. When we claim to have higher standards or more noble beliefs than is the case. The etymological background of the term hypocrisy comes from the Hebrew hipokrit/honepha and the Greek hupokrisis/hupokrinesthai meaning to act a theatrical part or to play a part, pretend. Hypocrisy is specifically denoudnced by God through the Prophet Isaiah (32:6) in connection with deceitfulness. Likewise to be a hypocrite is denounced by many other passages of Sacred Scripture (cf. Job 8:13; 13:16; 15:34; 17:8; 20:5; 27:8; 34:30; Sirach 1:37; Isaiah 9:17; Matthew 7:5; Luke 6:42). Saint Augustine addresses the sinful “veneer of virtue” in The Confessions (book 6, ch. 7).
God bless you!
Father John Arthur Orr