Category Archives: Article

Reflections on Article 570 of the Catechism

My dear Parishioners,

Peace! The third article of the Apostle’s Creed is “Jesus was conceived of the Holy Spirit, born of the Virgin Mary” There are nineteen (19) In Brief passages in the Catechism of the Catholic Church regarding this article of the Creed. The following is a reflection on article 570.

Each year we begin Holy Week with the solemn observance of Palm Sunday, which has also been called “Passion Sunday” (because the Passion is read as the Gospel). What is commemorated by the liturgy of Palm Sunday, when palm branches are distributed is the glorious entry of the Lord Jesus Christ into Jerusalem, beginning the last week of His life on Earth before His Resurrection. The week which begins on Palm Sunday is called Holy Week or even sometimes “the Great Week” because of the great and holy things which are commemorated, especially the sufferings and death and resurrection of the Lord.

We are able to see how fickle we can be by the way the Lord is received upon His entry to Jerusalem. He comes as the Messiah King and is greeted with cheers by some. Children and those of humble heart received Him then and are still able to receive Him. Latter in the same week He is jeered and mocked by some, as He is still by us and our neighbors whenever we sin, whenever we refuse to repent.

The Lord was not on a travel tour or a campaign tour as He entered Jerusalem as Messiah King. Jesus went to Jerusalem, with His face set as flint (cf. Luke 9:51) to suffer and to die and to rise on the third day for our salivation, to pay the price for our sins (cf. Matthew 16:21; 17:23; 20:19). The death and resurrection of the Lord Jesus is likened to the Passover of old. Moses and Israel left Egypt and Pharaoh which were but signs of sin and Satan the blood of the sacrificial lamb marking the homes of God’s people alerting the Angel of Death to “pass over” (cf. Exodus 12:1-51). Between Good Friday when Jesus dies and Easter Sunday when Jesus rises from the dead, He passes over from life to death to life without end. We share in all of this through the Sacraments, especially Baptism and Holy Communion. In Baptism we both die and rise with Christ. In Holy Communion we receive Christ who died once for all but who is now risen and glorious (cf. 1 Corinthians 15:3; 2 Corinthians 3:7; 5:14-15). The Sacrifice of the Mass makes present, mysteriously, the one only sacrifice of Calvary, not just during Holy Week or Sundays but even daily.

About four percent (4%) of those who go to Sunday Mass here at Holy Ghost attend daily Mass. I think we can do better than that. What do you think? Daily Mass times are 6:30am or 8:00am Monday thru Saturday. See you there!

God bless you!

Father John Arthur Orr