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Reflections on Article 594 of the Catechism

Published in the bulletin of Holy Ghost Catholic Church in Knoxville, TN, on the 4th Sunday in Ordinary Time.

My dear Parishioners,

Peace! The fourth article of the Apostle’s Creed is “Jesus Christ suffered under Pontius Pilate, He was crucified, He died, He was buried” There are ten (10) In Brief passages in the Catechism of the Catholic Church regarding this article of the Creed. The following is a reflection on article 594.

One of the ways the Lord Jesus manifested His being God the Savior was through the pardon or forgiveness of sins. Sometimes the Lord Jesus not only forgave sins but He also cured the sick as manifestations of His mission as the Divine Savior.

Those who refused to believe in the Lord Jesus judged Him to be a blasphemer. Blasphemy is a crime against the Second Commandment: “You shall not take the Name of the Lord, your God, in vain.” (There is an entire section of the Catechism of the Catholic Church on the Second Commandment.) If the Lord Jesus were not God, His claiming to be God, One with the Father, would make Him not only a blasphemer but a liar. Jesus Christ did not make Himself God but has been the eternal Son of the eternal Father from all eternity even as from His human conception by the power of the Holy Spirit of the Virgin Mary His Divine and human natures have been united.

Sacred Scripture highlights those who lived during the Lord’s earthly life who did not recognize Jesus as God made man. Even down to our own day there are those who refuse to believe in the Lord Jesus as God made man. Whenever we ourselves who are professed believers sin we de facto renounce our belief and love for the Lord. When we repent and turn away from sin and follow the Lord we manifest our faith in Him.

The Lord Jesus was able to read the hearts and thoughts of His contemporaries. He can read ours. Jesus Christ was able to foresee those who would not be converted to faith in Him. But this did not discourage Him from His mission or from sending the Apostles on their mission.

The forgiveness of sins by the Lord Jesus Christ is now continued through His Church at His command. Those who spurn faith in Christ likewise spurn His Church and her Sacraments. While the Lord Himself suffered persecution for the truth of His Person, Mother Church similarly faces opposition when she is faithful to the mission she has received from Christ the Lord her founder.

Let us do what we can do to deepen our faith in the Lord and bring others to faith. Let us do penance in reparation for sins of unbelief and blasphemy. Let us be faithful in all that we say and do, strengthened by the Lord’s grace, so as to be pleasing to Almighty God.

(cf. Exodus 20:7; Deuteronomy 5:11; Matthew 9:2-8; 28:19; Mark 1:15; 2:3-12; 4:11-12; 16:24; Luke 1:31-32; 5:18-26; 7:36-50; John 1:14; 5:16-18; 8:58; 10:30 ; 14:15; 20:23).

God bless you!

Father John Arthur Orr