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Reflections on Article 870 of the Catechism

My dear Parishioners,

Peace! The ninth article of the Apostle’s Creed is “I believe in the Holy Catholic Church.” There are thirty-five (35) In Brief passages in the Catechism of the Catholic Church regarding this article of the Creed. The following is a reflection on article 870.

We believe that there is only one, sole, unique Church of Christ. When Christ the Lord came to Earth to save us, being born of the Virgin Mary, Daughter of Zion, by the power of the Holy Spirit He did not establish an amorphous or vague group. When the Lord Jesus Christ spoke to Saint Peter He said: “You are Peter and upon this rock I will build My Church” (cf. Matthew 16:18). Jesus used the singular and possessive here. When the risen and glorified Lord Jesus addressed Saint Paul on the road to Damascus He said: “Why are you persecuting Me?” (cf. Acts 9:4), showing how personally Jesus takes His relationship with His mystical body, the Church.

Our belief in the Church is so central to our saving faith that from time immemorial it has found it’s place in the creeds or “Symbols” of Christendom.

The four marks of the Church: One, Holy, Catholic, Apostolic, allow us to recognize the one, sole, unique Church founded by Christ Himself during His earthly ministry which continues His saving work. We know we have a particular sort of shoe or watch or hamburger according to the various trademarks (e.g. Nike, Omega, Burger King…). The various trademarks help us to be sure we are dealing with the genuine article and not a counterfeit. Jesus Christ, our Lord and God is no less clever than those who help us to run or to be on time or curb our hunger. Jesus Christ, who came in the fullness of time and will return at the end of time is the one who strengthens us to run the race well, to the finish line, strengthened with the bread come down from Heaven (cf. Galatians 4:4; 1 Corinthians 9:24; John 6:31–58).

When the Council Fathers in Lumen Gentium,8, and Blessed John Paul II in the Catechism used the term “subsists” in reference to the one Church which Christ founded being the Catholic Church, they did so knowingly. The Latin word substantia transmits the Greek word ousia meaning: being (is), the ground of things.

The one Church which Christ founded and sustains, that is, the Catholic Church, is governed by the successor of Peter and those Bishops in communion with him.

While there are numerous elements of sanctification and truth which subsist outside of the visible structure and confines of Mother Church (e.g. Sacred Scripture, Holy Baptism, belief in the divinity of Christ…) these same elements (and more) are found and have their origin in Christ’s one Church.

For those who do not have the Catholic Faith these beliefs are unbearable, but we know by faith that they are a part of our salvation.

God bless you!

Father John Arthur Orr