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Reflections on Article 942 of the Catechism

Published in the bulletin of Holy Ghost Catholic Church in Knoxville, TN, on the 3rd Sunday in Ordinary Time.

My dear Parishioners,

Peace! The ninth article of the Apostle’s Creed is “I believe in the Holy Catholic Church.” There are thirty-five (35) In Brief passages in the Catechism of the Catholic Church regarding this article of the Creed. The following is a reflection on article 942.

Of the sixteen (16) documents of the Second Ecumenical Council at the Vatican (1962–1965) there is one which specifically addresses the apostolate of the laity, Apostolicam Actuositatem. There are other documents, however, which also address the laity, those who have not received the graces of Holy Orders. The Catechism of the Catholic Church here cites Gaudium et Spes, 43, regarding the laity under four (4) points:

The laity have a prophetic mission in the world. What is the mission of a prophet? The prophet’s mission is to speak for God (cf. Ezekiel 7:1). The laity fulfill their prophetic mission in the world when they stand up for whatever is good and true and beautiful (cf. Philippians 4:8). Whenever the laity speak the truth in love they are fulfilling their prophetic role and mission in the world (cf. Ephesians 4:15). Calling sin sin and grace grace is also part of the prophetic role to which the laity are called, under the guidance of the Magisterium (teaching authority) of Mother Church (cf. Matthew 16:19; Luke 10:16; John 8:47). The truths to be spoken by the prophetic laity include doctrinal truths (i.e. the divinity of Christ, the divine inspiration of Sacred Scripture, the divine institution of the Sacraments and Mother Church…) as well as moral truths (i.e. the evils of abortion, calumny, divorce…).

The laity live their call in all circumstances. Some lay people live as single persons in the world. Some lay people live in Holy Marriage. All of the laity, regardless of marital status, are called to live out the call of Holy Baptism and Confirmation wherever they find themselves, at work, at home.

The laity are called to be at the heart of the human community: To be at the heart of the human community is be identified with society. Sacred Scripture sees the heart as the embodiment of the person (cf. Deuteronomy 7:17; Isaiah 14:13). With pious laity in every sphere of social life then society will truly be lifted up by authentic Christian witness.

The laity are called to be witnesses of Christ, wherever they find themselves, at home, at work, at play. The laity are called to bear witness to the truth of the Gospel, our saving faith. To not do so would be sinful (cf. Proverbs 29:24). Some have been so faithful in bearing witness to Christ, His Gospel and His Church, that they have suffered martyrdom. The Greek word for “martyr” is martus (cf. Acts 22:20; Revelation 2:13; 17:6). Not all martyrdom, however, is bloody and red. The “white” sort entails constant witness and longsuffering and fidelity over the long haul by God’s grace and strength at work (cf. Philippians 4:13).

God bless you!

Father John Arthur Orr