Reflections on Article 747 of the Catechism

Published in the bulletin of Holy Ghost Catholic Church in Knoxville, TN, on the 16th Sunday in Ordinary Time.

My dear Parishioners,

Peace! The eighth article of the Apostle’s Creed is “I believe in the Holy Spirit.” There are six (6) In Brief passages in the Catechism of the Catholic Church regarding this article of the Creed. The following is a reflection on article 747.

We are taught by Mother Church that the Holy Spirit does three (3) things: builds the Church, animates the Church, and sanctifies the Church. Further we are taught that the Holy Spirit is the ‘sacrament of communion of the Holy Trinity and men.’ Let us consider these truths of our faith.

To say that the Holy Spirit builds the Church is juxtaposed with the fact that Christ Himself, founded the His Church (cf. Matthew 16:18). Since His glorious Ascension to the Father’s right hand, however, the Church has continued to be built up on Earth (cf. 1 Peter 2:5). This is through the workings of the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit is imparted to each of the baptized and every saint has cooperated with the prompting of the Holy Spirit. This all builds up the Church (cf. Acts 20:32). In the United States of America we need only think of Saint Elizabeth Ann Seton and Saint John Neumann, who together are the patron saints of Catholic Schools. Without these two great saints what would the Church look like in the USA? How many lives have been touched through Catholic Schools? This is just one way the Holy Spirit builds the Church.

To say that the Holy Spirit animates the Church is to say the Holy Spirit gives life to the Church. Anima translates “soul.” At death body and soul are separated, as happened to Christ upon the Cross. Life results from the unity of body and soul. The Holy Spirit is akin to the soul of the Church which is the mystical body of Christ. We are able to know and love thanks to our soul. In the Church we may know God and all that He has revealed and to love Him, our neighbors and selves as He desires thanks to the Holy Spirit.

To say that the Holy Spirit sanctifies the Church is to be reminded that without the Holy Spirit nothing is holy. Christ the Lord and His blessed Mother and every other saint, are holy by the workings of the Holy Spirit. Our Lord was conceived by the power of the Holy Spirit and the Holy One became the Holy Man. Our Lady was preserved from any and all stain of sin in her Immaculate Conception and brought Christ to birth in Bethlehem by the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit makes us holy by the outpouring of graces given in the sacraments, given through Mother Church

That the Holy Spirit is the sacrament of communion of the Holy Trinity and men is yet a further mysterious teaching which we will ponder together for the next thirty-five (35) weeks, if not for all eternity.

God bless you!

Father John Arthur Orr