Catechism of the Catholic Church Article 1600

My dear Parishioners,

Peace! While the “Year for Priests” has ended it is still timely to go over the various In Brief passages in the Catechism of the Catholic Church regarding Holy Orders. We will then resume with Article Two (2) of the Creed. There are eleven (11) of these passages which will help us to appreciate this sign of grace entrusted to the Church by Christ Himself, the Great High Priest. The following is a reflection on article 1600.

Each of the Sacraments has a minister. In an emergency such as danger of death anyone can administer Holy Baptism so long as the water is poured over the head of the one to be baptized and the proper formula is prayed and the intention to do what the Church does is present. In Holy Marriage it is the couple, the husband and the wife (the bride and the groom) who are the ministers of that Sacrament. This being said, the ordinary minister of Holy Baptism is a Bishop, Priest or Deacon. As for the Sacrament of Holy Orders, the minister is a Bishop. In order for a man to be ordained as a Bishop not only is there to be the Papal Letter calling him to the Episcopacy but at least three (3) other Bishops are to impose hands upon the new Bishop’s head to help show the unity of the Episcopal College. While other priests impose hands upon the head of a newly ordained Priest in the rite of priestly ordination, it is the Bishop who is the proper minister of both deaconal and priestly ordinations.

It is important to recall that the sacraments are “conferred” that is, given or administered. Receptivity is key here. One does not “take” the graces of Baptism or Eucharist or Confirmation, they are received, conferred upon us. The same is true in Holy Orders and the other Sacraments. Even though Priests and Bishops ‘self-communicate’ during Holy Mass, they can only do that because they have previously received those grades of Holy Orders.

There are three degrees or grades of the one sacrament of Holy Orders whereby the ministry of Christ is continued in the Church. That the Bishops are the proper ministers of the Sacrament of Holy Orders in its three degrees (that of Bishops, Priests, and Deacons) is a further reminder that they possess by God’s gift the fullness of the Sacrament of Holy Orders and they pass on, like the Apostles before them, the grace they themselves received.

Be sure to remember the clergy in your good prayers. Know that you are remembered in the prayers of the clergy, each time they approach the altar of God who gives joy to their hearts as we all together seek to do God’s holy will day by day.

God bless you!

Father John Arthur Orr